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What does our Early Years curriculum look like?

Our EYFS team worked closely together to create a curriculum that starts with our 2 year old and supports the children on their journey until they finish Reception ready to move to Key Stage 1. Our curriculum is based around 4 aspirations for children to reach by the end of their time in Reception and there are stages carefully planned throughout their time in nursery to lay the foundations and skills to reach these goals. Each of the aspirations links to one or more of our Knights' Way values. The main values we focus on through these aspirations are 'collaboration' and 'nurture'. Across the aspirations there are learning opportunities for the Prime and Specific Areas of the EYFSP. 

Our aspirations for all children by the end of their time in the EYFS are:

Design & build an obstacle course then show others how to use it.

Make up a collaborative story with peers & act it out using props they have made themselves.

Teach younger children how to care for an animal.

Growing vegetables to make soup.