School Library
Our Library
At Knights Enham Schools we provide…
Inclusive and ambitious learning experiences where our school community feels safe and motivated to achieve their best.
‘Together We Achieve'
In our aim to develop Reading for Pleasure, the school library will be open after school for families to access. Our librarian will be there to assist you.
Junior - Every Wednesday 3:20pm - 3:40pm
Infants - Every Thursday 3:20pm - 3:40pm
Knights Enham Junior School is a safe and stimulating environment where children encounter challenging and creative learning experiences.
Each member of the school community is motivated to be a life-long learner. We will equip everyone with the skills to achieve their full potential in a climate of mutual respect and personal responsibility.
- To provide a supportive, stimulating environment in which each child is enabled and encouraged to attain the highest standard of achievement of which he or she is capable.
- To ensure that the curriculum is broad and well balanced following all subjects in the National Curriculum.
- To value each individual’s contribution irrespective of race, gender, religion or ability.
- To encourage children to be aware of their behaviour and how it affects other people.
- To recognise that children have a variety of special needs and endeavour to provide appropriately for the needs of individuals.
- To ensure that the curriculum reflects the richness of our multi-cultural society.
- To foster and build on relationships with parents, governors and the wider community.
- To provide a planned process of staff development.
Aims and Objectives
Our main aim is to create a unified approach across the school in the provision and maintenance of book collections in the main libraries and classroom collections.
Aims of the libraries/classroom collections:
- To raise standards of pupils’ achievements across the whole curriculum
- to develop independent learning skills
- to support personal reading for pleasure
Aims of the central libraries:
- To provide a core collection of non-fiction books for teacher reference.
- To provide core collections for children to learn information skills, such as using books effectively for research.
- To provide opportunities for children to read for pleasure
- To teach children how to use, handle and respect books
- To promote libraries as places which provide enjoyable and exciting activities
- To provide opportunities for children and their families to take part in literacy related activities, such as book clubs and shadowing book awards
- To provide opportunities to access relevant information online about books, research and authors
- Long-term aim: in addition, to provide fiction suitable for the entire age and ability range, to include series by well-known authors, joke books, books for reluctant and advanced readers, dual language books etc.