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Young Carers Page

This page is primarily for Young Carers who may wish to contribute to this page.  If you have any ideas about features, links, stories or your own experience of being a Young Carer, please talk to Mr Inglis.  With your help we can ensure this page is as useful and informative as possible.





Support For You


Wednesdays 12:30 - 1:15pm - Lunchtime Drop In Session in School with Alison and Sue from Andover Young Carers.  Eat your lunch, have some fun and meet fellow Young Carers.


Talk to Mr Inglis, your Young Carers Lead  - You can catch Mr Inglis in the mornings in the glass corridor.


Great Fundraising for Andover Young Carers


The whole school wore 'silly socks' to school on Friday 20th November to raise money for Andover Young Carers, a fantastic £83 was raised for the charity.  Well done and thank you to all of the children in the school.



Andover Young Carers have participated by running a stall at our Spring and Summer School Fetes. The stall sells Teddies in need of Adoption and small gifts children can buy.


All monies raised have supported the Young Carers drop in sessions, by purchasing board games and also supporting an outing to Charlton Lakes. This included a special treat of an Ice Cream!