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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!

Warwick and Windsor Classes


Our classes are as follows:

Warwick Class: Miss Williams (Class teacher), Miss Sceates (TA)

Windsor Class: Mr Bishop (Class teacher), Miss Greenhough (HLTA)           


TopicIn this half term, Year 4 will look in detail at the reasons for the Saxon invasion explore the evidence we have for the Saxon way of life at different levels of society. The reign of King Alfred provides a great way of linking the Saxons and the Vikings using the living graph; it also offers the chance to exploring historical interpretations. We will also learn about Saxon justice and investigate if the ‘Dark Ages’ were really all that bad.

Home Learning:

All Students will receive weekly home learning sheets, which we encourage this to be completed to support their learning.


Please read with your child as often as possible at home and record in their home school book which is checked daily. Half-Termly rewards will be provided for the students who continuously read and record it.


Children will receive a weekly list of spellings to learn at home. These will be sent home every Thursday, and then checked in school the following week.


Year 4’s P.E times are as follows:

Tuesday (indoors) and Wednesday (outdoors)                                           

We will be continuing with the daily run or movement activities, so please ensure that your child has suitable footwear to participate every day. PE kits will be sent home on a Friday to be washed for return on Monday.

Please do speak to us if you have any queries or concerns.

The Year 4 team

Spring 2 - English (publishing our dragon instructions using the laptops)

Spring 2 - Year 4 D & T (Design and build a balloon powered car)

Spring 2 - Year 4 fun in the snow

Spring 2 - World Book Day

Spring 2 - P.E (Hockey)

Spring 2 - Active Maths (Addition)

Spring 2 - English Hook lesson

Spring 1 - D&T (Cooking Pizza)

Spring 1 - Active Maths (lines of symmetry)

Spring 1 - Science (creating complete electrical circuits)

Spring 1 - PE (New Age Kurling)

Santa misplaced a few items in Warwick Class. Y4 wrote letters to him offering to help!

Christmas Science - Making 'fake' snow!!

Year 4 Dodgeball Session

Windsor Class Bikeability

Andover Trees United Planting Session at Bury Hill

Autumn 2 - Active Maths (Converting units of measure)

Autumn 2 - Active Maths Lesson (Equivalent Fractions)

Autumn 2 - English Hook Lesson

Autumn 2 - Reading Workshop (Poetry and Performance)

Autumn 2 - Active Maths (Fractions)

Autumn 1 - P.E (Running games)

Autumn 1 - History (Roman Timeline)

Wet Play creativity

Autumn 1 - Basketball House Competition

Autumn 1 - Active Maths lessons

Autumn 1 - English hook lesson

Autumn 1 - Gym

Pictures from Year 4 2022/23

Year 4 

All aspects of our curriculum are accessible to all children, irrespective of their ethnic background, gender, disability, religious or linguistic background. We strive hard to meet the needs of those pupils with special education needs, those with disabilities, those who are more able, those with special gifts and talents and the children who are learning English as an additional language. We provide a rich, challenging curriculum, which stretches all of our children.