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Forest School

At Knights Enham Schools we provide…

Inclusive and ambitious learning experiences where our school community feels safe and motivated to achieve their best.

‘Together We Achieve’

Forest School Programme - click

Outdoor Learning

At Knights Enham Schools we are very lucky to benefit from access to woodland areas within the school grounds as well as extensive outdoor playing, wellbeing and learning spaces.  The Site Staff have worked tirelessly to develop these areas whilst being sensitive to the existing natural flora and fauna, in order to create amazing spaces for the children.

As with all enhancements to the school site, nature and restoration is at the forefront of our agenda, ensuring we pay special attention to maintaining and restoring natural living habitats for plants, animals, birds and insects.

Forest School

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Open the document below to discover how the children's writing is benefitting from Forest School sessions, which start a new text outdoors in our wonderful woodland.

Forest School Programme 

Lockdown Activities: Spring Term


Forest School is underway at Knights Enham Schools. Knights Enham's Forest School Lead is Mr Bishop.  We also have some volunteer helpers and parents.

The children are enjoying the Forest School sessions and so far have learnt about the 'outdoor code' and looking after our outdoor environment.  They have made jewellery using natural materials, built animal shelters, learnt how to safely use friskars / pruners and small cutting tools and played games like 'Hide and Seek'.  They will also have the opportunity to build dens and shelters, they have made elder jewellery and stick men, explored the school woodland and made hot chocolate and marshmallows on a camp fire.  The children are given the chance to go into Forest School come rain or shine and are allowed to explore their natural surroundings and lead on their chosen outdoor activities within Forest School; whether that is running, hiding, rolling, model making, insect hunting, building bug houses, mark making with embers, whittling, excavating, cooking on a camp fire and building dens. It all helps to encourage learning, play and develop a sense of admiration, respect and passion for the outdoor environment and nature.

What we know about Forest School is that there are many benefits for the children. These include:

Physical health benefits:

Increased gross motor movement. Increased oxygen levels improve brain function. Sunlight increases vitamin D production, which leads to increased resilience to illness.

Social benefits:

Communication, team building and language skills are developed.

Wellbeing benefits:

Reduction in levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, in the brain.  Being outside offers time to relax and have fun.

Risk awareness:

Playing outside allows a child to learn about risk assessment and risk taking. Children that are exposed to acceptable levels of risk at a young age are less likely to make bad judgements in the future.

Forest School also offers a range of other Value Added Benefits, such as:

  • Rich supply of resources and materials for use in other curriculum areas
  • Opportunities to involve parents and the wider community
  • Chance for staff to observe students in a different setting
  • Opportunities for staff to learn new skills, and enjoy the benefits of Forest School too!
  • Offers an alternative to our over reliance on digital and electronic sources for recreation, learning, socialising
  • Offers an opportunity to become fitter and healthier
  • Children and adults learn to recognise and assess risks for themselves.